In answer to allegations made in the Sunday Times, regarding the payment to Dionne Knight, the club is taking legal action against the Sunday Times and Tottenham Hotspur.
The allegations relate to a payment made to Ms Knight for work that she did in for the Legacy Stadium Partnership.
The OPLC has confirmed that Ms Knight had "no" involvement with the bidding process and that no "secret" payments were made to her.
In a Statement on the Official Site the club has made the following comment..
"Her work was very transparent and the bidding process was never compromised. The work was never hidden, for example she personally attended meetings. There is considerable documentation to confirm the existence and quality of her work. Two firms of solicitors are able to confirm these facts. The price we paid for this work was extremely competitive."
The club has made warnings, with regards the further publication of the allegations.
The full story is available on the OS..