No, I don't mean the linesman's blind moment or Mikel's ugly tackle or even a certain world-renowned actor's pirouette and double-pike after Robert Green's double save.
A green laser pen seen coming from a section of the Hammers crowd was shone into
At the time a culprit could not be identified however the Police were informed and tonight Scotland Yard have admitted that the search for the foolish individual, that decided to play a prank on somebody in front of thousands of people and a worldwide audience, remains on.
A spokesperson said, "When the matter was brought to the attention of officials at the time it was not possible to identify the person or persons responsible.
"We will continue to try to identify them."
Now I do not condone this type of behavior and I fully agree that this individual should be identified but a number of media sources this evening are reporting a "Police hunt" over a "laser-attack".
There was me forgetting that every child in this country's personal details and every parent's bank account number has mysteriously disappeared whilst we are being warned of a potential Christmas terror attack.